Alison Wylie

Canada Research Chair (Tier I)
Philosophy of the Social and Historical Sciences

Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
Buch E370 – 1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada

What intrigues me, as a philosopher of the social and historical sciences, are questions about how inquiry succeeds when evidence is sparse and uncertain. My work is case-based; I focus on archaeological research, in particular, questions about evidential reasoning, ideals of objectivity, and how we make research accountable to the diverse communities it affects. I’m currently exploring new lines of inquiry inspired by standpoint theory as a framework for making sense of how our understanding of the world can be enhanced by a diversity of situated experience, knowledge, and interests. For more on my research interests, click here

I was delighted to receive an honorary doctorate from Erasmus University in November 2024.
Dies Natalis / Honorary Doctorate press release

Interviews | PublicationsPreprints via Sync | Short-form CV (PDF)